Visionaries Wiki
Visionaries Wiki

Virulina is the only female member of the Darkling Lords and the evil counterpart of Galadria. She and Galadria gained their powers after an underwater fight during the quest for Merklynn's power. Unfortunately for both, not every Visionaries quest took place over or under water.

Most of the Darkling Lords were unique in boys' cartoons as they were typically not ambitious, nor simple brutes. Darkstorm essentially led unopposed, as most of his allies were either too cowardly (Lexor), stupid and nice (Cindarr), boot-licking (Mortdredd), insane (Cravex) or like a mercenary (Reekon) to take control from him. Not Virulina. She was a nasty, scheming wench.

Because Visionaries was a toyline for boys, the girls never received any action figures. Not staffs. Nor vehicles. Much like Transformers' Arcee, they got nothing, but unlike with her, Visionaries never went through a renaissance that resulted in the occasional figure for collectors.

Her weapon is some sort of axe, her totem is a shark and she has no power staff or any secondary power in the cartoon series (though she does have a power shield in the comics). Its power is Disease and can make enemies sick. Because man-on-woman violence was frowned upon, Virulina wore a lot of disguises and did a lot of sneaking about in the cartoon.

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