Lion Hunt is the sixth episode of Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light. Written by Buzz Dixon, it was released on October 19, 1987.
After refusing to go on another quest for Merklynn, the Darkling Lords seek out the witch Heskedor. She gives them a potion to trap a Spectral Knight in his animal form. Darkstorm sets a trap for Leoric by first terrorising a small village using the Dagger Assault disguised as a monster. Leoric feels compelled to protect the village after setting his eyes on the beautiful town spokesperson, Fletchin.
Rather than go on another of Merklynn's quests, Darkstorm seeks the aid of an enchantress named Heskedor, who gives him a potion which will trap Leoric in his Lion form. Shortly afterwards, the Darkling Lords disguise the Dagger Assault as a monster and drive it through a village, demolishing several cottages and terrifying the superstitious inhabitants. Believing there really is a monster on the loose, the villagers come to New Valarak to seek Leoric's aid.
Leoric soon discovers that the monster is a fake. But, before he can escape, the Darkling Lords surround him, forcing him to use his Totem power and giving Darkstorm a chance to douse him with the potion. Darkstorm later tells the villagers that he and the other Darkling Lords are also hunting for the monster, then claims Leoric has been killed. Fletchen, a young woman from the village, breaks the news to Leoric's fellow Spectral Knights, who vow to avenge their fallen leader.
Later, however, Leoric gets Fletchen alone and scratches his name on a stone monolith, convincing her that he is still alive. But Darkstorm has convinced Fletchen's people that Leoric is the monster and they refuse to listen when she tries to tell them the truth. Leoric flees and eventually falls into a trap laid by the Spectral Knights. Luckily, Fletchen arrives just in time to stop them from killing him. When she learns that the Spectral Knights are magic-users, Fletchen backs away, but they assure her that she has nothing to fear. Arzon summons the Bearer of Knowledge, who tells the Spectral Knights that Heskedor is the only one with access to the potion which Darkstorm used on Leoric.
While Witterquick goes to get the antidote from Heskedor, the other Spectral Knights guard Leoric. But the villagers, believing the Spectral Knights to be evil wizards, attack them, as Fletchen pleads with them to stop. Luckily, Witterquick returns with the antidote and Leoric is freed; learning that Darkstorm has tricked them, the villagers then turn on the Darkling Lords. The Spectral Knights later help to rebuild the village.
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