The youngest of the Spectral Knights. Like Ectar and Leoric, he lives in New Valarak. He possesses the totem of the Wolf. He has no totem staff but boasts an additional ability to activate vehicles. His main vehicle is the Capture Chariot. In the comics, this held the Power of Fire. His main adversary is Mortdredd (both are very loyal to their leaders. Mortredd a sycophant and Feryl more of an idealistic youth).
Most toyline-based-TV shows of the era featured a character somewhat like Feryl- an unwise, overeager, somewhat brash youth who got himself into trouble. Once, when Leoric single-handedly saved him from some pirates, Feryl went off to "find himself", needing rescue. However, Leoric's own trouble with Cravex and his Cthulhubug thing led to Feryl making the rescue, gaining confidence in himself at last.
Feryl's odd weapon (resembling a large tuning fork with an electrical blast in the middle) is one of the rarest items in the toyline, going for hefty prices despite its small size.