Visionaries Wiki

This was the largest vehicle the Spectral Knights had, and was always driven by Feryl, who had the power to bring the vehicle to life.

The Capture Chariot was actually stolen from the Darkstorm's castle as the Spectral Knights made haste and escaped the area, in the episode "The Dark Hand of Trechery". They held onto the vehicle ever since, as before then, the Darkling Lords had a huge advantage over the Spectral Knights in terms of number of vehicles. The Capture Chariot also contains 2 flight pods which can diconnect from the vehicle and fly in the sky, making the Darkling Lord's Sky Claw and Dagger Dart attacks less effective. Anyone can control the flight pods. The flight pod's magic is 2 giant hands that throw fireballs. The Capture Chariot also has 2 battering rams at the front.

In the comic, the story is a little different. The vehicle was discovered with a Doomsday bomb inside a 10,000 year old hangar at Meteor Peak. The Doomsday bomb which caused a reversal of the laws of Science, made the Capture Chariot only powered by magic. The bomb had to be destroyed though. Feryl became the driver and he shoots down the Darkling Lord's Sky Claw and annihilates the hangar.